Alice Walker is a vile antisemite and conspiracy theorist who believes that the world is being secretly run by Lizard People. These are her actual beliefs. Whatever art she has created in her life is overshadowed by her sick hatred. She deserves to be mocked and ridiculed, not lauded. Any discussion of her books should include discussion of her hatred towards Jewish people and paranoid conspiracies. I say don’t give her or Roald Dahl, HP Lovecraft, or other hatemongers a free pass just because you enjoy their writing. Shame on Alice Walker.

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Hi Justin, Thank you for your note and for bringing this to our attention. We've added an editor's note and a link to an article with context around the issue. We will be more vigilant about making sure these issues are better addressed in newsletters going forward.

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by Books on GIF

Sure thing. I don’t think authors should be disqualified from being read and studied due to various forms of hatred, however I do think this should be brought to people’s attention.

Antisemitic stereotypes are unfortunately something that even Shakespeare had as part of his belief system (Shylock). I don’t think “cancellation” is the proper thing when it comes to literature and other forms of art. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings when it comes to the rise of antisemitism in the Western world these days. But I think you’ve done the right thing.

Also, no need to walk on eggshells. Keep up with the book suggestions. More people need to read.

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The film is also glorious. Highly recommended.

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by Books on GIF

This is an important book, but Walker’s legacy is tarnished for sure. I’m always kind of fascinated when venerable artists adopt bizarre ideas. Idly wondering how much of Walker’s antisemitism is rooted in her divorce from Melvyn Leventhal?

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