I've seen the Seberg film -- it's good. "Brat summer goes too far" describes the story perfectly!

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Thanks, Gina! I really want to see that movie!

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And now I want to read the book! :-) Thanks for the review!

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Aug 18·edited Aug 18Liked by Books on GIF

'Bonjour Tristesse' is such a quintessential late-summer book, in my opinion. Indolent and dreamy, with discomfort edging in at the corners, and back again, and in again until it infuses the whole of the sweet-drunken atmosphere with dread. The hungover sense of "now we have to live with all of that, and carry on, transformed and yet stuck" of the ending, and the emerging framing, feels very apropos for my annual reluctance to face autumn. Thank you for this reminder to re-read it before summer slips away. (And seconding the film, I think it really threads the needle between adhering precisely to the text and adapting it for the new medium, distilling it in a way that suits film.)

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Thanks! Very well said! I’m going to find this movie ASAP

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Aug 18Liked by Books on GIF

Now I need to find a copy, because late summer is my favorite time of year. Mid summer is too hot, but I will drag late summer into October. This sounds right up my alley and I love the brevity of 130 pages. I am all in on a villa on the

Mediterranean and a 17 year old making poor choices. Hi to Donna!!

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Thanks, Kate! I think you’d enjoy this one!

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I never knew what this novel was about but always thought it had a sad-sexy title—Fiona Apple all the way

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Yes! I had forgotten how intense the Criminal video is until I was looking through the GIFs. Definitely the right energy here.

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Aug 20Liked by Books on GIF

I read this when I was 16, reading it then I was totally feeling for Cecile. I must read it again to reevaluate, I remember it as being quite a slim book so it won’t be onerous

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I think this is a really interesting idea, Larissa! If you read it again (it is quite slim), let us know if you have the same or a different reaction.

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oh yes must read....

great review as always!!!!

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Thanks, friend! I'd love to read your thoughts on the book. I think you'd get a kick out of it!

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Aug 22Liked by Books on GIF

I'm going on a Françoise Sagan-themed roadtrip in Cajarc, France, in a few weeks and I'm using it as an excuse to FINALLY read Bonjour Tristesse! Bookmarking your lovely reading so I can come back to it after.

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Oh wow! That trip sounds amazing, Kelsey! Please let us know how it goes and whether you enjoyed the book!

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Sep 1Liked by Books on GIF

This is funny, I'm reading The Margot Affair by Sanaë Lemoine (it's ok so far) and they mention Bonjour Tristesse. I'm assuming this as a second attempt by the universe to get it on my TBR list and I'm taking the hint!

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Yes!! It's totally a sign from the universe, Keke!

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